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Thumbnails of your top sites let you access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab. Desktop shortcuts allow you to launch your favorite Web apps straight from your desktop.

Chrome has many useful features built in, including automatic full-page translation and access to thousands of apps, extensions, and themes from the Chrome Web Store. Google Chrome is one of the best solutions for Internet browsing giving you high level of security, speed and great features.

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Fixed Load page was aborted when using a proxy. Chromedriver now waits for Current frame to load. ChromeDriver log will include the port used by the driver. Enabled SetGeoLocation for w3c mode. Added missing Alert text for UnexpectedAlertOpen status. Improved message when CRX2 Extension is loaded. Fixed a potential race condition in ExecuteGetPageSource. ChromeDriver will add --ignore-certificate-errors flag when acceptInsecureCerts capability is true.

Updated the error message and return status for no such execution context. Fixed: ChromeDriver may block indefinitely while waiting for pending navigation. Fixed incorrect calculation of element coordinates. Fixed ChromeDriver crash caused by javascript alert fired during command execution. Fixed a bug causing Chromedriver to lock when an alert is fired while taking a screenshot.

Removed --ignore-certificate-errors from Chrome launch command. Changed platform and platformName to windows on Win Fixed undefined window. Fixed "Element is not clickable" when using headless mode. Reverted the change to adjust screeshot size on retina display, due to multiple issues reported. Fixed several issues in JavaScript object serialization.

Fixed a bug in capability matching for Chrome on Android. Implemented permissions automation. Fixed screenshot size on retina display. Fixed page load timeout in some scenarios. Improved platformName capability matching. Fixed error code returned while moving pointer to drop-down list options. Fixed an issue affecting download in headless mode. Fixed two bugs in serializing and deserializing JavaScript objects.

Fixed handling of platformName: android while matching capabilities. Fixed several issues in the implementation of Actions API. Improved JavaScript code execution and result handling. A more robust navigation tracker. Support eager page load strategy.

Support to save file downloads in headless mode. Added support for loading CRX3 extensions. Fixed a bug in detecting circular reference in JavaScript objects. Fixed a bug that causes ChromeDriver to crash when certain types of JavaScript errors occur. Fixed a bug in keeping track of modifier key state between actions API commands. Fixed a bug in keeping track of pointer locations between actions API commands. Added new endpoints for retrieving Chrome log.

Added endpoint for Is Displayed command in W3C mode. Finished implementation of Actions API. Improved spec compliance of script timeout handling. Improved serialization of results from Execute Script command. Fixed issues in scrolling element into view. Added handling of Cancel key defined in WebDriver spec. Fixed processing of unhandled alert error response. Updated excludeSwitches option to allow optional leading dashes in switch names.

Fixed a bug that caused ChromeDriver to crash when some types of JavaScript error occurs. Fixed a bug in preserving modifier key state between actions. The most noticeable change is ChromeDriver now runs in W3C standard compliant mode by default.

Other changes include:. Fixed a bug that caused blur event to be raised twice during element clear. Renamed capability loggingPrefs to goog:loggingPrefs, as required by W3C standard. Fixed error handling in W3C mode.

Correct handling of creating cookies without leading dot in the domain name. Allows null for script timeout. Fixed Element Send Keys command to file input with 'multiple' attribute. Fixed Get Active Element command to return "no such element" error when no active element exists.

Fixed navigation to malformed URL to return "invalid argument" error. Fixed HTTP status code when invalid session id is received.

Fixed error response when input parameter is missing or malformed. Fixed Execute Script command to handle line-oriented JavaScript comment. Fixed a bug that generated unexpected debug. Added cache-control header in responses from ChromeDriver. Fixed the type of error when click is intercepted by a different element.

Fixed some types of double click events. Fixed Get Sessions command. Fixed error checking in Switch To Frame command. Fixed Get Page Source command.

Fixed error code returned from Execute Script command in some scenarios. Made the HTTP server keep connection alive by default. Fixed Close Window command to correctly handle user prompts. Fixed error code returned while sending keys to disabled element. Improved spec compliance of timeout value handling.

Improved spec compliance of Add Cookie command. Increased HTTP server listening queue length. Added warning about Element Clear command behavior change in log file. Fixed Execute Script command to correctly convert document. Improved handling of bad element reference. Improved spec compliance of Switch to Frame command. Fixed Element Double Click command. ChromeDriver 2. Fixed New Session is not spec compliant. Fixed Find Element command returns wrong error code when an invalid locator is used.

Fixed Some ChromeDriver status codes are wrong. Fixed Window size commands should handle user prompts. Fixed Status command is not spec compliant. Fixed Add support for strictFileInteractability. Fixed WindowMaximize on Mac. Fixed Incorrect 'alert open error' for window handle call. Fixed Set Window Rect needs to check for invalid input. Fixed Support new unhandledPromptBehavior modes.

Changes include:. Fixed Parsing of proxy configuration is not standard compliant. Fixed Launch app command is flaky. Fixed Screenshot of element inside iFrame is taken incorrectly. Added ChromeDriver supports window resizing over a remote connection. Fixed Error codes are not handled in Clear element. Fixed Not waiting until element is visible.

Fixed Get element property is not implemented. Fixed Switch to Frame is not spec compliant. Fixed Execute Async Script does not return spec compliant error codes. Fixed Execute Script does not return spec compliant error codes. Fixed Error code in ExecuteGet is not conformant with spec. Fixed Send Alert Text is not returning spec compliant error codes.

Fixed Chromedriver gets window handle for the tab which is opened manually. Fixed Allow append or start a new log file for chromedriver.

Fixed New Session does not invoke w3c mode if flag is in firstMatch. Fixed ClickEelement in Mobile Emulation.



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